April 3, 2012

DAY 93, Matthew 24-25

Good Morning! Our names are Carissa and Anna and we were asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Matthew chapters 24 and 25.

KEY VERSE:  Matthew 24:42  Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

KEY PASSAGE:  Matthew 24 and 25


Nobody knows when our Lord will return. It could be ten years from now, it could be tonight. If we knew that Jesus was coming tomorrow, wouldn't we make sure that we were on our best behavior???  Well, it could be; we should live everyday honoring Him.


Carissa:  To live every day as if it were the day that the Lord will return.  To do everything, even if it is just washing dishes, to the best of our ability, with a happy spirit about us and always for God's glory.  To live each day for the Lord, honoring Him.

Anna:  I'll make sure my room is clean every night, just in case He comes to play with me.

Thank you for being a part of the 100-Day Challenge.  Thanks for reading, and you have a blessed day!  

In Christ,

Carissa and Anna

Name:  Carissa

Favorite Bible Character:  Mary

Family:  Erich; Brandon, age 6; Anna, age 4

Occupation:  Wife, Mama, Teacher, Dreamer 

Favorite book in the Bible:  Luke

When you got saved:  Age 4


Anna                                                   Carissa

Toy:                Baby Doll                                           Pot holder loom

Color:              Pink                                                   Pink

Cartoon:         Mary Poppins                                   Tom and Jerry

Food:               Chicken                                             Peanut butter candy

Teacher:         Miss Dana                                         Mr. Olsen