100-Day Challenge Info

Challenge INFO

THE VBC 100 DAY CHALLENGE – Is a challenge for ANYONE who has a desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
At Valley Baptist Church we emphasize the life-changing power of the Word of God, as well as the importance of coming to the Father in prayer. In an effort to encourage spiritual growth, we are challenging people to spend the first 100 days of 2012 dedicating themselves to the Bible and prayer. All growth and change happens in the mind; let’s spend the first 100 days of 2012 renewing our minds in the Word. Psalm 119:105 ~Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path~
1. Commit to reading the Bible daily for the first 100 Days of 2012.
2. Commit to praying daily for the first 100 days of 2012.
3. Commit, as God leads and it is medically safe, to fast once during the first 100 days of 2012.
Bible reading is essential to growth in the Christian life. Sanctification is the process by which the Spirit of God takes the Word of God and changes us to be like the Son of God. This Christian discipline is essential to growth. We want to encourage you to incorporate this habit into your life. It is so helpful to know where you are going to be reading. We will have Bible reading schedules available at church, as well as here on the website, that go with the 100-Day Challenge. CLICK HERE FOR READING SCHEDULE
Prayer needs to be a daily part of our Christian walk. Psalm 16:11 says “In thy presence is fullness of joy.” Prayer is a means by which we enter into the very presence of God through Jesus. Christians must incorporate prayer systematically into our lives if God is going to work through our lives.
Fasting is a Christian discipline that Jesus assumed His followers would do; in Matthew 6:16 Jesus said, “when ye fast”. Fasting without a spiritual focus and purpose is just a diet. The goal of fasting is to hunger and thirst after righteousness. When you fast you are saying to God, I want you more than food and I’m willing to deny myself. Fasting gets the attention of God and it focuses the Christian’s attention on God. Fasting should only be done if medically safe.