April 4, 2012

DAY 94, Mark 12-13

Good Morning! Our names are Erich and Brandon and we were asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Mark 12 and 13.

KEY VERSE:  Mark 13:7a  And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled:

KEY PASSAGE:  Mark 12 and 13


It is hard to escape what is happening in our world today.  Destructive tornadoes, horrible earthquakes, ravishing fires, wars, sickness, disease, divided nations, selfishness, the killing of our young.  These are signs of the end times.  They can be troubling to witness and/or even experience.  While this is all sad in God's eyes, it is the product of sin and a sinful world.  As Christians we can be comforted in knowing that even though we live in this world, we do not have to be a part of this world and that there is HOPE in our Lord.


Erich: Trusting in the Lord daily, knowing that He has made a way for us to be with Him.  Even though times are bad, which I see on a daily basis, He is there, I need not be troubled because He is in my heart.

Brandon:  It is scary to see how people’s homes have been destroyed by tornadoes.  The Bible says that there will also be wars and other dangers, but I know that I do not have to be afraid.  I have Jesus in my heart.  He is always with me.

Thank you for being a part of the 100-Day Challenge.  Thanks for reading, and you have a blessed day!  

In Christ,

Erich and Brandon

Name:  Erich

When you were saved:  March, 1983

Favorite Bible Character:  Moses

Family:  Wife Carissa; Brandon, age 6; Anna, age 4

Favorite book in the Bible:  Luke

Area of ministry at VBC:  Head of Security


Brandon                                                         Erich

Toy:                Dog Dog (his favorite stuffed dog)              Toy BB gun

Color:             Red                                                                 Blue

Cartoon:         Thomas the Train                                         Road Runner

Food:              Grapes                                                            Macaroni and cheese

Game:             Go Fish                                                           Hide-n-seek

Teacher:         Miss Elaine G                                                Mrs. Callahan