Good Morning! My name is Julie Fleming and I was asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Ephesians, Chapters 3-5.
KEY VERSES: Ephesians 5:22, 25, 33
22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.
25 Husbands, love your wifes, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
No other word has caused such a ruckus in marriage as the word submission. Unfortunately, that word, over time, took on a meaning that it was never meant to have.Back in Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
As wives, that is what we are…”helpers.” We are equally valued in the eyes of God. Our roles are different but equally important. God made the man first, giving him the heavy task of being the “head.” Ultimately the husband is going to answer to the Lord on how he is managing his role as provider, spiritual leader, protector, and husband.With that role of husband, he is given the command to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for it. Christ’s love was so entirely giving and sacrificial! He died for her (church). With a love like that, who wouldn’t find that to be the greatest romance ever, and worth the utmost respect.
Wives, that is exactly what he asks you to do…to respect the role of the man you are married to. I can fight him and make his job tough or help him and make his job a little easier.
God didn’t ask me to die for my husband, but to respect him. When we do our parts in the marriage, it makes it easier for him to love me and for me to respect him. We have to answer for our own part.
Since marriage is not a “master/slave” relationship, but a “love and respect” relationship, we continually evaluate how we are doing in relation to God’s command. Is he loving me and considering my needs above anyone? Am I giving him the respect he deserves and building him up?
Thank you for being a part of the 40-Day Challenge. Thanks for reading, and you have a blessed day!
In Christ,
NAME: Juliet Fleming
SAVED: About nine years old
FAMILY: Husband Jim, Children Kelsey and Jessica
OCCUPATION: Chef, home maintenance manager, counselor, boo-boo kisser, finance/bookkeeper, nurse, interior decorator, librarian of children’s books (a.k.a. Stay-at-home Mommy)
FAVORITE BOOKS IN BIBLE: Esther and I and II Samuel
HOBBIES: When I can, reading and art