Good Morning! My name is Paul Herrold and I was asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Acts chapters 19-21.
KEY VERSE: Acts 21:11-14
When he had come to us, he took Paul's belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, "Thus says the Holy Spirit, 'So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.'……...Then Paul answered, "What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
Acts 20:24
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
REFLECTIONS: As I reflect on my passage of Scripture, I keep thinking about what it takes to have the attitude and focus of Paul. He faced certain and prophesied death and persecution, yet he was unmoved. If someone prophesied of my coming death, I'd say, "Luke, here is your new belt, I'm going to Venice for some R&R. There has to be an easier way!" When I observe someone either today or in Scripture that exemplifies characteristics and attitudes that are contrary to human nature, it causes me to stop and think, What is it that they have that I don't? CONCLUSION: Apostle Paul was FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, Paul Herrold is not. As I talk out loud, I know there is certainly a war in a believer between the flesh and Spirit, but I have many times done what the world does, reach "within myself" to muster up the goodness to not sin. I guess I thought if I tried harder, or did more religious things, or just stopped sinning, or polished up the exterior, I could live in victory in my walk with the Lord. Between me and you it hasn't been going very well, way too many I's in that line of thinking. Romans 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will [desire] is present with me, but how [ability] to perform what is good I do not find.
I once had the desire to play professional basketball, but you know the ability just wasn't quite there. I've had a desire to serve the Lord since I was very young, but I have not had the ability to do it. What I've missed all these years is the acknowledgement that I have the person of God [Holy Spirit] dwelling in me from the moment of my Spiritual birth. Joel prophesied back in 800 BC that the Spirit would come. Jesus kept saying I must go, so the comforter may come, and when Jesus left ten days later the Spirit came in a big way (Acts 2). That is the excitement found in the book of Acts -- believers empowered through the Holy Spirit to produce fruit disproportionate to their ability. The same Spirit of God in the book of Acts wants to be active and rule in our lives today; question is, am I willing to let him have control?
Without the Filling of the Spirit I am helpless and hopeless as a man, husband, father, son, farmer, church member and Christian. So it's time for me to give up. Revival is when we come back into a right relationship with the Holy Spirit. Let's acknowledge His presence by tapping into the only source that can bring about his fruit: of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: Galatians 5:22
Thank you for being a part of the 40 Day Challenge. Thank you for reading, and you have a blessed day!
In Christ, Paul
SAVED: 1983
FAMILY: Wife: Sarah Kids: Chloe(10) Caleb(7) Carter (5)
MINISTRY INVOLVEMENT AT VBC: Deacon, Children's church