January 7, 2012

DAY 8, Acts 1-3

Good Morning!  My name is Chuck Lee and I was asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Acts, chapters 1-3.

KEY VERSE:   Acts 1:8 
But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

        Much could be written on these chapters as the church rapidly came into prominence.  The following are just some of the highlights that impressed me as I read through this passage of scripture. 

        The beginning of Acts is a time of transition and excitement as the church quickly grows.  It is a bridge between the gospels and the establishment of the church in the epistles.  Much of what Jesus talked about during His ministry became much clearer in the book of Acts.  In the first few verses, proof is given of Christ's ministry, death, resurrection and ascension.  The Jews placed much weight on proof.  The proof given in the first few verses is as follows:  1) Many saw Him, and He taught them for 40 days after His resurrection.  2) He gave them commandment to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit should come.  3) A multitude witnessed Him ascending into a cloud as He was taken to heaven.  
        Three things struck me in reading these chapters:

  1. The provision of the Comforter  – The Lord promised that when He left, the Holy Spirit would be sent to guide and comfort the believers.  That promise was fulfilled with the coming of the Holy Spirit.
  2. The promise of Christ's return  – In Acts 1:10-11 the promise of Christ's return is given.  We are still looking forward to His return but it is just as sure as the fulfilled promises in the past.
  3. The propagation of the church – The church grew quickly in the beginning.  This was fostered by the Holy Spirit and the “hope” of Christ's return.  Peter's first sermon was to 120,000 (Act 1:15).    Peter stood up and preached in Acts 2:14-41.  He preached with power and zeal.  He wasn't the same Peter that denied Jesus 3 times. There were 3,000 added to the church.  But he also witnessed one on one, as we see the man healed in the beginning of chapter 3.   What was the difference?  The power of the Holy Spirit. 

What does going back to the beginning in Acts do for us?  Just this...God has provided the church for us to fellowship with fellow believers, to strengthen one another.  He has given us strength that we do not have in ourselves  -- The Holy Spirit.  He also gives us a future promise which to look forward  --  His return.  God surrounds us with these things to resist temptation, live holy, witness to others, and sharpen each other in the faith.

Thank you for being a part of the 40 Day Challenge.  Thanks for reading, and you have a blessed day!
In Christ, Chuck 

SAVED: age 10
FAMILY:  married to Pat in 1968; 2 children, Dawna and Scott, and 4 granddaughters
HOBBIES:  woodworking
FAVORITE BOOK IN BIBLE:  I John and Ephesians

To read an INTRO TO THE BOOK OF ACTS click here or below