10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
To begin with, as you read, especially chapter 9, remember one very important thing: GOD IS SOVEREIGN. This chapter is great and perplexing and every other adjective that you can think of to describe the wonders of God, a chapter that many people throughout history have written many books about to describe this to us.
As I moved on to chapter 10, I come to verse 9, the foundation of our faith: Believe and confess.
Chapter 11 – Suppose you have two children. You give one a toy. When you give them the toy they toss it aside. The other child, seeing the toy, picks it up and begins playing. Child 1 now wants the toy back, telling the parent, “You gave it to me.” In the same way Israel rejected God. God then gave the gospel to the Gentiles. Upon this, Israel said to God, “That’s ours!” And in this we see that God gets the glory every time. Reading the doxology in 11:33, I thought of this. Paul had an epiphany. I picture him with great joy. I picture him all of a sudden saying, “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” What a wonderful three chapters to read for the day.
Chapter 10, verse 15, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news.” The application for today is simple: “Bring the good news that all we have to do is confess and believe.”
Have a great day in Christ!
Jim Fleming
SAVED: December 1986
FAVORITE BIBLE CHARACTER: Uzza (I Chron. 13:9) – proof that God doesn’t need our help
FAMILY: Wife - Julie; Kids – Kelsey and Jessica
HOBBIES: Houses and antiques