Good Morning! My name is Will Jackson and I was asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Romans, chapter 6-8.
KEY VERSE: Romans 8:5-7
5For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
6For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.REFLECTIONS:
Everyone struggles with giving in to fleshly desires. As people who have been transformed through the saving blood of Christ, we should desire every single day not to give in to our fleshly desires. I continuously struggle with giving in to the desires of my flesh. As verse 7 states, having a carnal mind is to have enmity against God. It goes on to state that being “fleshly” minded will only make us unwilling to submit to God’s will. To me, this seems to be a pretty strong hint to us that we have to be extra careful when we even think about giving in to our fleshly desires. Even though I read these verses, I still question the fact: why is it so easy for every one of us to give in to our fleshly desires? Well, because we are sinners. When we get saved, we do not become the super human that is perfect in every way. No, when we get saved we should have a desire to spend more time with the Lord so we do not give in to what we think we want. These verses are a constant reminder to me that we are fallen creatures in need of something other than what our flesh would desire. That something is the Lord Jesus Christ. Without Christ, we will always give in to our fleshly desires. The wonderful thing about the Lord is that He does not force His way into our lives even after we are saved. We ask Him to take control of our lives and to be the number one thing keeping us going from day to day. The flesh will always be there, but so will the Lord. Which one will you choose to follow? APPLICATION:
This year I want to do the best I can to follow the desires of my Lord and not the desires of my flesh. Let’s all give it our best to let the Lord lead our lives. Thank you for being a part of the 40-Day Challenge. Thanks for reading, and you have a blessed day!
In Christ, Will
In Christ, Will
OCCUPATION: Full-time student at Bob Jones University
HOBBIES: Watching football; anything water-sport related; politics