Good morning, my name is Pam Rose and I was asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Revelation, Chapters 11 and 12.
12:11 – And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
When I learned that this devotion was going to be on the Book of Revelation, my first thought was wow, this is going to be a hard one to find something on. But, how wonderful is our God! If we just take time to sit down at the table with Him, He will always give us food for the day!
Chapter 12:9 speaks of the devil “who deceiveth the whole world.”
Verse 12 tells us “he [Satan] knoweth he hath but a short time.”
In the beginning of these two chapters I was reminded of Satan and his desire to overcome our Christian walk and our daily living for God. Satan has no greater desire than to destroy the Christian lives and homes we attempt to build and maintain. So many people right now are going through hard times and hurt with finances, unemployment, family matters, sickness, whatever the situation is. Satan tries to use these to pull us away from God and His protection so that Satan can then attempt to destroy us.
But, look at verse 11 – here’s the good part!
“They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb” – God shed His precious blood on the Cross for you and me. Total forgiveness of our sins if we just accept Him and His sacrifice. No matter how bad things are, we are covered in His blood and are promised a home in Heaven with Him someday. What an amazing thought! He is our protector!
“And by the word of their testimony” – God has given us the Bible and it is our responsibility, duty and desire, to read it, study it and to place the Scriptures in our hearts so we will be ready at all times to lean on them and bring them to mind when we need them. Our personal “outward” testimony is so very important and we build on that by saturating ourselves in Scripture to have as our defense in time of need. Our outward testimony is fueled by our inward testimony and how we help it to grow.
“And they loved not their lives unto the death” – This one really hit me. Do I live my daily life in a way that I would be willing to give it all up for the cause of Christ? Would I be willing to lay down my life if I had to for my faith and belief in my God? Are there days that I do not totally surrender to God and what He has for me? I am covered by the precious blood of the Lamb and should not fear what any man or Satan can do to me. Jesus paid my total debt and I owe it all to Him.
I would like to encourage you this week to rest in the fact that we are covered by the Blood of the Lamb and that there is nothing that we will face in this lifetime that God will not be right there waiting to protect us from. Will we have difficulties – most likely – will we stumble – absolutely! But we can rest in the fact that we have a faithful friend who will never leave us or forsake us! He died on the Cross of Calvary and His precious blood paid the price for all of us and we are protected!
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Thank you for your time. I hope you rest under His wings today knowing that He is with you each step of the way and protecting you today!
In Christ,
Pam Rose

Saved: 1983
Favorite Bible Character: Noah (did exactly what God told him to do) and David (a man after God’s own heart)
Family: Husband, Dennis; Children: Isaiah, Naomi and Jonathan (Amanda); Five Precious grandchildren, Noah, Grace, Ava, Finley and River
Occupation: Legal Secretary in Chicago
Hobbies: Quilting, being a gramma and spending time with my family