Today's devotional is from the mother-daughter team of Julie and Kelsey Fleming.
Good Morning! Our names are Juliet and Kelsey Fleming, and we were asked to give you a devotional thought from the book of Luke, chapters 6-7.
Luke 6:46-49REFLECTIONS:
Building a house takes a very long time. It requires a lot of planning, time, and patience. There is a blueprint that the builder follows. Leaving any part of that blueprint out can lead to disaster. If Jim decided to leave out the beams, our home would cave in. If he thought that he would just wing it and not measure carefully, then our home might look like something out of a Dr. Seuss book…and eventually come to ruin.
The Lord gives us instructions for our everyday life, but when we choose to follow our own design, we can find ourselves in a huge mess. Part of acknowledging Him as “Lord, Lord” is recognizing that He has the best laid plans. We may not see the big picture or even like the process of what He is building in our lives; but obedience is better than sacrifice. When we follow His instruction and actually put it into practice, He builds within us a strong foundation that nothing can shake. Of course, it takes time, patience, and His plan to accomplish all that He wants to. When we cooperate with the Master Builder by putting His Word into practice, then we see the blueprints unfold, and we can be amazed at all He is doing.
Too often we can find ourselves deviating from the blueprint and have to go back and have sections fixed. God intends to put His foundation in deep so that we can be sure to stand firm when the torrent strikes. It requires our obedience to the point of becoming a practice.
Our challenge is this: As God is showing you (and us) the blueprints for your life, we encourage you to follow His ultimate plan laid out in His Word (even if the process is painful). He may be putting in the foundation at this moment, or He may be building on what He’s already established in you. Whatever it is that He’s doing will proved to be so beautiful when He’s done.
Thank you for being a part of the 100-Day Challenge. Thanks for reading, and you have a blessed day!
In Christ,
Julie and Kelsey
NAME: Juliet Fleming
SAVED: About nine years old
FAMILY: Husband Jim, Children Kelsey and Jessica
OCCUPATION: Chef, home maintenance manager, counselor, boo-boo kisser, finance/bookkeeper, nurse, interior decorator, librarian of children’s books (a.k.a. Stay-at-home Mommy)
FAVORITE BOOKS IN BIBLE: Esther and I and II Samuel
HOBBIES: When I can, reading and art