Good morning, my name is Jim Fleming and I was asked to give a devotional on Revelation, chapters 13-15.
KEY VERSES: 14:12-13
12 This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
13 Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
REFLECTIONS:First of all, I understand that these verses are written as "a blessing pronounced on all tribulation believers." In the three chapters for today it's difficult to come up with a word that would be better for us than the word "patient.” Chapters 6-18 of Revelation are describing the tribulation period. So in the midst of these chapters you have some very interesting stuff to deal with.
Chapter 13 deals with the introduction of the "unholy trinity." First, the Antichrist (vs 1-10), and then second, the false prophet (vs. 11-18), all controlled by the third, Satan. Chapters 13 and 14 can be very difficult to understand. Here are a few examples: First of all, the word we always need to remember for the book of Revelation is imagery. John was given glimpses. So, throughout this book we are getting John's view. With this in mind, we must do something that is nearly impossible – we must put aside our thoughts. I realize that sounds strange, but if we in this generation were given a vision of strange and uncommon things, we would be describing them using words and images that are familiar to us. As you read, please don't be sidetracked by the "imagery." Second, in order to understand some of these images we need to read the book of Daniel and his dealings with King Nebuchadnezzar. Third, why these things were written this way is way beyond my education. 14:8 speaks of the doom of Babylon, and the details are presented in chapter 17. Also, the prediction of the coming battle of Armageddon is in 14:14-20, yet you also have to read 19:11-21. Then, chapter 15 serves as an introduction to the seven bowl judgments described in chapter 16.
Here is where I must change directions. While I, and most likely others who have written devotionals on Revelation, would enjoy describing the events of these chapters, I'm not sure that is what God wants from me now. You see, in my attempt to understand some of the difficult stuff of this book in times past and in recent history, I have read books concerning the events of Revelation. Then I did what I thought was the smartest thing I could do – I called my dad. I started by explaining to him I understand that there are two things to consider here, the "new covenant" view and the "progressive dispensationalism" view. and I "blabbed" on for some time before he stopped me. He stopped me because he always makes me do one thing. He always asks me in a roundabout way, "How is this beneficial to winning people to Christ today?" He always puts it in perspective for me. Understanding Revelation is important. BUT we know through signs of the Scriptures that God's time is close. So, if I was not using my current desire to understand the Scripture to win souls to Christ, then my thoughts and actions are not exactly the most important. In fact they bordered on prideful. What he did was direct me to one passage, chapter 14, verse 9-11. This is probably the Bible's most graphic picture of judgment – understanding what is in store for my friends and family unless I share the love of Christ. That's what's important. Years ago I began to pray something strange. I began to pray that God would burn a picture of hell in my mind. Why? Well, think of what each one of your lost friends would look like in that image. As you see them, as you talk to them about life and the weather, begin to put that image to work. You will do one of two things. You will either go away and weep because you hate that image of hell and your friends or, what everyone hopes for: You could share the love of Christ.
Pray, pray, pray. The events of chapters 6-18 are not events you want anyone to experience. They are horrible and devastating happenings. They are events that will bring shock to this world. They will bring horror to those that see. But most importantly, and I must say sadly, they are real. Our God is a righteous God. Think of how long history has rejected Him. There is coming a time when God will say, enough. Please pray that God will tarry just one more day. Just one more day for my friends, Scotty, Dave, Nate, Ron, Chris, Rick, Andy, Keith, Toby, Moon, Don, Scott M, Scott O, and my list goes on and on and on.
Have a great day in Christ!
Jim Fleming
FAVORITE BIBLE CHARACTER: Uzza (I Chron. 1:9) – proof that God doesn’t need our help
FAMILY: Wife Julie; Kids Kelsey and Jessica
HOBBIES: Houses and antiques